about About us

VALS-ASLA, the Swiss Association for Applied Linguistics, is a forum for the exchange of knowledge and information in the field of Applied Linguistics, an interdisciplinary field of linguistics in which language-related challenges and real-life problems are examined and results are applied in both practice and theory development.

Your benefits as a VALS-ASLA member 

  • You will be informed via our monthly newsletter about interesting conferences and congresses as well as current job vacancies and projects in the field of Applied Linguistics.
  • You have the possibility to make announcements to and share information with all members via our newsletter.
  • You are entitled to request grants for travel expenses from VALS-ASLA as well as financial support for scientific events.
  • You will receive our journal, the “Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquée”, containing articles in German, French, Italian and English free of charge every six months. 
  • You have the possibility to write articles for the Bulletin or to be the editor of a special issue. 
  • You have electronic access to AILA Review, the journal of the International Association for Applied Linguistics. 
  • You can strengthen and expand your network in applied linguistics in Switzerland.

In addition, your membership supports the field of Applied Linguistics in Switzerland. 

  • As a community of interest, VALS-ASLA can conduct scientific work more effectively and can perform social as well as research tasks more successfully.
  • VALS-ASLA actively connects individuals, projects and scientific interests while also contributing to the development of young scientists.


Lorenza Mondada
Prof. Dr.
Universität Basel
Institut für Französische Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft
Maiengasse 51
4056 Basel



Vice President

Regula Schmidlin 
Prof. Dr.
University of Freiburg
Departement für Germanistik
Av. de l'Europe 20
1700 Fribourg



Gilles Merminod 
Université de Lausanne
Section de français
Quartier UNIL-Chamberonne
Bâtiment Anthropole 3143
1015 Lausanne



Laura Baranzini
Università della Svizzera Italiana
Istituto di studi italiani
Via Buffi 13
6900 Lugano

Philipp Dreesen
Prof. Dr.
ZHAW Angewandte Linguistik
Institute of Language Competence
Theaterstrasse 17
8400 Winterthur

Ulla Kleinberger
Prof. Dr.
ZHAW Angewandte Linguistik
Institut für Übersetzen und Dolmetschen
Theaterstrasse 15c
8400 Winterthur

Martin Luginbühl
Prof. Dr.
Universität Basel
Deutsches Seminar
Nadelberg 4
4051 Basel


Accounting Officer

Anita Thomas 
Prof. Dr.
Université Fribourg/Freiburg
Institut de plurilinguisme et didactique des langues étrangères
Rue de Rome 1
1700 Fribourg

Editor-in-chief of the "Bulletin Suisse de Linguistique Appliquée"

Sara Cotelli
Prof. Dr.
Université de Neuchâtel
Institut de langue et civilisation françaises
Faubourg de l'Hôpital 61-63
2000 Neuchâtel


Giuseppe Manno
Prof. Dr.
Hofackerstrasse 30
4132 Muttenz

Thomas Studer
Prof. Dr.
Université de Fribourg
Institut für Mehrsprachigkeit
Rue de Rome 1
1700 Fribourg

Some of our collective members