Grammar of Speech - Grammar of Action
11 March 2011, University of Bern
University of Bern (Unitobler)
Länggassstr. 49
3000 Bern
“Grammar” is one of those linguistic concepts that has been interpreted in very different ways since the beginning of the discipline. While the description of grammar, which is predominantly based on written language, has often pursued normative goals, introspective approaches are unable to provide sufficient information on the actual use of grammatical structures. However, recently some linguists have become increasingly concerned with the grammatical characteristics of the spoken language. The grammatical structuring of speech in connection with the specific social actions that speakers pursue at the moment of language production has been investigated particularly in the field of discourse and interaction research.
The aim of this conference is to explain current questions in the field of action-oriented grammar research. On the one hand, it shall be clarified at which levels of analysis (syntax, morphology, prosody, multimodality etc.) grammatical processes can be observed; on the other hand, communication situations in which a special role is ascribed to grammar will be discussed (e.g. in foreign language teaching).
Keynote Speakers
Lorenza Mondada (Lyon 2)
Margret Selting (Potsdam)
Organising committee
Elwys De Stefani (Bern)
Anna Claudia Ticca (Bern)
Anne-Danièle Gazin (Bern)
Scientific committee
Alexandre Duchêne (Fribourg)
Angela Ferrari (Basel)
Laurent Filliettaz (Geneva)
Bruno Moretti (Bern)
Simona Pekarek Doehler (Neuchatel)
Stephan Schmid (Zurich)
Iwar Werlen (Bern)
VALS-ASLA's annual meeting will take place after the conference.