Forum 2022

Forum of Applied Linguistics in Switzerland

ONLINE (via Zoom), February 18 2022



[13.01.22]: Due to the current epidemiological situation in Switzerland, the Board has decided to hold the “Research Forum of Applied Linguistics in Switzerland” on 18 February 2022 fully online via the platform “Zoom”.


In collaboration with the Association of Language Centres at Swiss Higher Education Institutions (SSH-CHES), the Swiss Association for Applied Linguistics (VALS-ASLA) invites linguists on February 18, 2022 to update themselves on current research on applied linguistics in Switzerland. After the break induced by Covid, which has also greatly affected the academic sector, the organizers would like to offer early-career and advanced researchers an open and varied forum that focuses on direct exchange and allows existing contacts to be refreshed and new ones to be made. We welcome contributions from all areas where theoretical concepts and empirical results of linguistics acquire practical and social relevance, from language learning and teaching to language policy, from sociolinguistics to the study of social interaction and digital forms of communication.
The forum is divided into three parts. The morning is devoted to collective project presentations by research groups. The afternoon will be centered on ‘elevator pitches’ in which researchers briefly present the results of their individual work(-in-progress). The day will conclude with a panel discussion, involving the audience, on how various modalities of delivery (face-to-face with or without added technological tools, asynchronous online interaction, videoconferencing, hybrid, etc.) affect language teaching and what lessons can be learned from the pandemic in this regard. The forum will be followed by the VALS-ASLA general assembly.

Submit a contribution

Forms of content include project presentations by research groups (duration: 10 minutes) and short individual presentations/‘elevator pitches’ (duration: 3-5 minutes depending on the number of participants). To submit a contribution, please upload your abstract (maximum 250 words + bibliography) to the ConfTool platform ( by December 15, 2021.


December 15, 2021Submission deadline [extended]
January 13, 2022Notification of acceptance
January 23, 2022Registration closes for authors
January 26, 2022Publication of the detailed program
February 10, 2022Registration closes for auditors
February 18, 2022Forum


The official conference languages are French, German, Italian as well as English. The contributions to the multilingual panel discussion will be translated via a chat service.


The Forum is organized by VALS-ASLA in collaboration with SSH-CHES. It will be held online on February 18, 2022, via the Zoom platform.




Academic and organization committee

Sara Cotelli, Daniel Elmiger, Philipp Hänggi, Alain Kamber, Ulla Kleinberger, Martin Luginbühl, Gilles Merminod, Stephan Meyer, Lorenza Mondada, Johanna Miecznikowski, Stefanie Neuner-Anfindsen, Caroline Roethlin, Sabina Schaffner, Regula Schmidlin, Julia Schneerson.